Friday, October 7, 2011

Whatever happened with Teenage Heartthrob, you ask?

Let's just say I've been eating out a lot more lately. I'm not exactly avoiding the grocery store where he works. Just kinda.

Since our pseudo-date, we've run into each other a few more times. He always looks heartthrobby, and I'm usually dripping with post-yoga sweat and mentally repeating the following mantra while approaching his cash, "I will not be a Mrs. Robinson. I will not be a Mrs. Robinson. I will not be a Mrs. Robinson."

Our conversations were friendly, and I felt like we were out of the danger zone (the twine was not a declaration of like!). But then we stumbled into pseudo territory again last week, when he casually asked, "How do you feel about more bike rides? The group has started to ride Thursday nights now." Looking back, this clearly seems like a "Do you want to hang out again?" query. But, of course, I didn't interpret it as such in the moment, because I'm a little obtuse about these sorts of things, and only realize that I'm being asked out (or pseudo asked out) half an hour after the fact. In any case, I put the final nail in the coffin with this response, "Thursday nights? Umm, I don't think that'll work. I  started taking this class that meets Thursday nights, and, so..."

So that's that, I think. I haven't been back to the grocery store since. And I'm getting sick of eating oatmeal.

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