Friday, September 2, 2011

But WE were supposed to do that together

No! You can't! We were supposed to go to New York City together. I was supposed to show you that bakery on Sullivan with the gooey chocolate chip cookies, and you were supposed to insist that we splurge on appetizers and dessert and a bottle of red in addition to the overpriced main course at Mario Batali's joint on Thompson. And we were supposed to take a leisurely afternoon stroll past the brownstones in Greenwich Village, and when I pointed to one and proclaimed that we were going to live in it one day, you were going to amuse me the way you do, "Mhm, sure." And we were going to see a show... off Broadway, of course. And we were going to kiss in Times Square, then a minute later make fun of other couples for doing the same. And we were going to swear to wake up early and go jogging through Central Park and not do it until our very last day there. And, on our way back home, you were going to admit that you quite liked New York, but maintain that Montreal is still the best city in the least Montreal's bagels are real bagels.

So, you see, you can't possibly go there without me. Spend all the time you want in Queens, but save Manhattan for me to show you and Brooklyn for us to explore together.

Photo by Kaysha

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