Friday, September 2, 2011

I can't believe this exists, Installment I

Assignment instructions: discuss.

Questions to guide discussion:
  1. Crock or not?
  2. What dimensions do you require?
  3. Brainstorm taglines. (e.g. theBreakupBox: We help you to (literally) box up your emotions)


  1. After my last break-up, I was hanging on to a Captain Planet shirt that belonged to my ex. Thankfully, I spilled BBQ sauce in my car and it was either use the shirt to clean it up, or let it get all cakey in the Florida sun.

    Better than a break-up box? A messy emergency. Had to throw that t-shirt out.


  2. Ha! That's when you know you're getting over someone, right? And it didn't cost you $30 + shipping ;)
