Sunday, September 25, 2011

I've got a crush

...on Ryan Gosling. **swoooooon** Okay, so it doesn't really count, since it's a celebrity crush. But allow me to explain: except for George Clooney, who is just hot damn sexy (and serves as the prototype of my salt and pepper man), I haven't had a celebrity crush since seventh grade (Leonardo DiCaprio).

Sidenote: Ryan and George are co-starring in a movie that's coming out real soon, and I can't hardly take it!

Seriously, people, I have spent an inordinate amount of time over the past two days watching YouTube videos of Ryan Gosling.

Here's one of my favourites: Sexiest Canadian (sorry, Canadians, this is only viewable in Ame'ica).


  1. just saw "drive' yesterday - and if you didn't love Ryan before, you will another lady hooked too.

    love love dear...lets talk soon,

  2. I can't believe I opted out of going to the movies when all my friends went to see it. I hear it's real good.

    You know that he worked on the car he drives in the movie himself? I'm not sure he can get any sexier.

    Yes, let's chat soooooon peelease!
